Config via file
picks up configuration from the following files:
The file is expected
- to contain valid JavaScript / Typescript
- export a configuration object
- adhere to the schema outlined below
Configuration files are resolved using cosmiconfig.
Config via package.json
You can add a commitlint
field in package.json
(or package.yaml
) with an object that follows the below structure.
Config option CLI
Add the path to the configuration file. Example: commitlint --config commitlint.config.js
Configuration object example
const Configuration = {
* Resolve and load @commitlint/config-conventional from node_modules.
* Referenced packages must be installed
extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
* Resolve and load conventional-changelog-atom from node_modules.
* Referenced packages must be installed
parserPreset: "conventional-changelog-atom",
* Resolve and load @commitlint/format from node_modules.
* Referenced package must be installed
formatter: "@commitlint/format",
* Any rules defined here will override rules from @commitlint/config-conventional
rules: {
"type-enum": [2, "always", ["foo"]],
* Array of functions that return true if commitlint should ignore the given message.
* Given array is merged with predefined functions, which consist of matchers like:
* - 'Merge pull request', 'Merge X into Y' or 'Merge branch X'
* - 'Revert X'
* - 'v1.2.3' (ie semver matcher)
* - 'Automatic merge X' or 'Auto-merged X into Y'
* To see full list, check
* To disable those ignores and run rules always, set `defaultIgnores: false` as shown below.
ignores: [(commit) => commit === ""],
* Whether commitlint uses the default ignore rules, see the description above.
defaultIgnores: true,
* Custom URL to show upon failure
* Custom prompt configs
prompt: {
messages: {},
questions: {
type: {
description: "please input type:",
export default Configuration;
CJS format is supported as well:
module.exports = Configuration;
Typescript configuration
Configuration can also be a typescript file.
Relevant types and enums can be imported from @commitlint/types
Below you can see main changes from a standard js file:
import type { UserConfig } from "@commitlint/types";
import { RuleConfigSeverity } from "@commitlint/types";
const Configuration: UserConfig = {
extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
parserPreset: "conventional-changelog-atom",
formatter: "@commitlint/format",
rules: {
"type-enum": [RuleConfigSeverity.Error, "always", ["foo"]],
// ...
export default Configuration;
Shareable configuration
Every commitlint configuration can extend other commitlint configurations. Specify configurations to extend via the .extends
key, using ids that can be resolved by the node resolve algorithm.
This means installed npm packages and local files can be used.
npm install --save-dev commitlint-config-lerna @commitlint/config-conventional
export default {
extends: [
'lerna' // prefixed with commitlint-config-*,
'@commitlint/config-conventional' // scoped packages are not prefixed
More information can be found in the Concepts – shareable config section.
Parser presets
The parser preset used to parse commit messages can be configured. Use ids resolvable by the node resolve algorithm.
This means installed npm packages and local files can be used.
npm install --save-dev conventional-changelog-atom
export default {
parserPreset: "conventional-changelog-atom",
Commitlint can output the issues encountered in different formats, if necessary. Use ids resolvable by the node resolve algorithm.
export default {
formatter: "@commitlint/format",
Refer to Rules for a complete list of available rules.
Config command-line submit interaction, works with @commitlint/cz-commitlint
Refer to Prompt Config for details.