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Upgrade Guides


The maintainers of validate-commit-msg have deprecated their package in favor of commitlint.

Migrating with default settings

The most common validate-commit-msg use cases can be recreated with minor changes to your setup.

Replace validate-commit-msg with commitlint

npm remove validate-commit-msg --save-dev
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional

Add a commitmsg run-script to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "commitmsg": "commitlint -x @commitlint/config-conventional -E GIT_PARAMS"

Install husky

npm install --save-dev husky

Migrating with custom settings

If you used validate-commit-msg with custom configuration you might want to customize commitlint configuration, too.

Replace validate-commit-msg with commitlint

npm remove validate-commit-msg --save-dev
npm install --save-dev @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional

Add a commitmsg run-script to package.json

  "scripts": {
    "commitmsg": "commitlint -E GIT_PARAMS"

Install husky

npm install --save-dev husky

Configure commitlint

module.exports = {
  extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"],
  rules: {
    // Place your rules here
    "scope-enum": [2, "always", ["a", "b"]], // error if scope is given but not in provided list

validate-commit-msg option equivalents

  "types": ["a", "b"],              // 'type-enum': [2, 'always', ['a', 'b']]
  "scope": {
    "required": true,               // 'scope-empty': [2, 'never']
    "allowed": ["a", "b"],          // 'scope-enum': [2, 'always', ['a', 'b']]; specify [0] for allowed: ["*"]
    "validate": false,              // 'scope-enum': [0], 'scope-empty': [0]
    "multiple": false               //  multiple scopes are not supported in commitlint
  "warnOnFail": false,              // no equivalent setting in commitlint
  "maxSubjectLength": 100,          // 'header-max-length': [2, 'always', 100]
  "subjectPattern": ".+",           // may be configured via `parser-preset`, contact us
  "subjectPatternErrorMsg": "msg",  // no equivalent setting in commitlint
  "helpMessage": "",                // no equivalent setting in commitlint
  "autoFix": false                  // no equivalent setting in commitlint

Refer to the Rules Reference for a list of all available configuration options.

There is also the #commitlint channel on the DevTools Slack workspace. Join us there and we'll do our best to help you with your migration.

Version 1 to 2

npm install --save-dev conventional-changelog-lint@latest

Breaking changes


  • None


  • wildcards config is ignored - as of version 2.0.0 the former .wildcards configuration is ignored entirely. If your .conventional-changelog-lintrc, commitlint.config.js or an extended shareable configuration has a .wildcards key a warning will be issued.


  • None

Version 2 to 3

npm remove --save-dev conventional-changelog-lint
npm install --save commitlint
mv .conventional-changelog-lintrc commitlint.config.js
  • Rename all calls to conventional-changelog-lint to commitlint

Breaking changes


  • conventional-changelog-lint command now is called commitlint
  • commitlint command now is installed via @commitlint/cli
  • .conventional-changelog-lintrc now is called commitlint.config.js
  • commitlint does not search upwards in the directory structure for config
  • --preset | -p flag was removed. The angular preset is used always.


  • .preset key is removed. The angular preset is used always.


  • getConfiguration(name, settings, seed) changed to load(seed)
  • getMessages(range) changed to read(range)
  • getPreset(name, require) removed
  • format(report, options) now only respects .color on options
  • lint(message, options) changed to lint(message, rules)

Version 4 to 5

npm remove --save-dev @commitlint/config-angular
npm install --save @commitlint/cli @commitlint/config-conventional
echo 'module.exports = {extends: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"]};';

Breaking changes


  • config-angular dropped support for the chore type, breaking compatibility with conventional-changelog, use config-conventional instead.

Version 7 to 8

Breaking changes

Output on successful commit will be omitted

  • You can use the --verbose flag to get positive output

Version 8 to 9

Breaking changes

Possible types

  • improvement type will now be rejected by this config

Version 9 to 10

Breaking changes

Node support

  • node v8 is not supported anymore

Version 10 to 11

Breaking changes

Lerna support

  • lerna v2 is not supported anymore

Version 11 to 12

Breaking changes


  • The order of the extends resolution is changed from right-to-left to left-to-right